Many businesses hold a certain amount of cash on-site, particularly retailers. You might accept cash transactions, hold cash during business hours or transport money.

How can we help?

It makes good sense to protect it from theft, fire and other insurable risks so that if you do lose money, your business doesn’t suffer financially as a result.

We can tailor a package to cover:

  • Money in transit
  • Money in the building during business hours
  • Money in the building outside business hours
  • Money in the business premises in securely locked safe or strongroom
  • Money in custody
  • Money in the home of a person authorised by your business
  • Money in your home

Get in touch

We can work with you to build the perfect insurance package, chosen from a wide range of providers.
We’ll simplify the process, giving you the peace of mind that comes with knowing you’re adequately protected.

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Our insurance brokers are standing by, ready to help.

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